Tarptautinė mokslinė praktinė hibridinė konferencija "8th Meeting on Acute Cardiac Care and Emergency Medicine"

Lietuvos intensyviosios kardiologijos ir skubiosios medicinos asociacija kartu su Vilniaus universitetu 2023 gegužės 26-27 d. Vilniuje rengia tarptautinę mokslinę praktinę  konferenciją (kongresą) ,,8th Meeting on Acute Cardiac Care and Emergency Medicine“.

Šiame tarptautiniame renginyje bus nagrinėjamos aktualios intensyviosios kardiologijos, skubiosios medicinos, ūmaus kvėpavimo ir širdies nepakankamumo gydymo, taikant pagalbines kraujotakas, temos.

Renginys vyks hibridiniu būdu: pasaulyje pripažinti lektoriai ir savo srities lyderiai iš JAV, Vokietijos, Lenkijos ir kitų šalių, atvykę į Lietuvą, pristatys išsamią naujausių klinikinių tyrimų ir mokslo pasiekimų apžvalgą, taip pat vyks nuotolinės sesijos. Kviečiame dalyvauti gyvai ir pabendrauti su žymiais pranešėjais iš viso pasaulio.

Renginys skirtas visų specialybių gydytojams, sveikatos priežiūros administratoriams, sveikatos priežiūros organizatoriams, visuomenės sveikatos specialistams,  socialinės medicinos atstovams, medicinos biologams, biomedicinos technologams, vaistininkams, klinikiniams farmakologams, patologijos technologams, akušeriams,  visų specialybių slaugytojams,  paramedikams, perfuzininkams.

Vyks atskira slaugytojų sesija (lietuvių k.) Dalyviams bus išduodamas Vilniaus universiteto kvalifikacijos kėlimo 16 h. pažymėjimas. Renginio kalba – anglų k.

Pridedame preliminarią programą. Taip pat ją galite rasti asociacijos tinklalapyje ir registruotis dalyvauti: https://cardem.lt/tarptautine-moksline-praktine-hibridine-konferencija-8th-meeting-on-acute-cardiac-care-and-emergency-medicine/

Renginio registracijos mokestis už 2 dienas, dalyvaujant dalyviui nepriklausomai – kontaktiniu (gyvai) ar nuotoliniu būdais yra:
Gydytojams, sveikatos priežiūros administratoriams, ir kitoms specialybėms  40 eur
Slaugytojams, paramedikams, perfuzininkams, studentams, rezidentams    25 eur
Registracija konferencijos dieną 70 eur

Tel. pasiteiravimui +37060022519

Maloniai kviečiame Jus registruotis dalyvauti konferencijoje!


Lithuanian Academy of Sciences, Gedimino Ave. 3, 01103 Vilnius

  Friday, May 26th, 2023
8:30-9:00 Registration
9:00-09:30 Opening Ceremony (GREAT HALL).    Rector of Vilnius University  prof. R. Petrauskas, President of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences prof. J. Banys,   Minister of Health A. Dulkys, President of the Meeting: prof. P. Serpytis, Co-chairs:  prof. J. Alpert (USA), prof. H. Thiele (Germany).                                 
9:50 Keynote Lecture: Providing intensive cardiac care during war time – prof. A. Parkhomenko, Kyiv, Ukraine (remote)
  Session No 1: Cardiogenic shock (GREAT HALL) Chairmen: prof. C. Alviar, prof. K. Rucinskas, prof. U. Zeymer, prof. R. Gil
10:10 Novel treatment of cardiogenic shock  – prof. H. Thiele, Leipzig, Germany (remote)
10:30 Key stakeholders in a successful shock team and shock network: from STEMI to ECPR – prof. C. Alviar, New York, USA
10:50 Coffee Break
11:10 Microcirculation and gut dysfunction in Cardiogenic Shock –  prof. G. Fuernau, Schleswig, Germany
11:30 Targeted Temperature Management after Cardiac Arrest – is targeted temperature management still the best bet for the brain – prof. C. Alviar, New York, USA
11:50 Management of B and C stage cardiogenic shock –  prof. U. Zeymer, Ludwigshafen, Germany
12:10 National retrospective registry of Impella® Abiomed-assisted high-risk percutaneous coronary interventions and cardiogenic shock  –  prof. R. Gil, Warsaw, Poland
12:30 Lunch 
  Session No 2:   Heart Failure and lungs (GREAT HALL) Chairmen: prof. J. Masip, prof. A. Magdy, assoc. prof. V. Janusauskas, prof. G. Kalinauskas
13.30 Is AHF well covered in the HF guidelines? – prof. J. Masip, Barcelona, Spain
13:50 Inotropic agents in the treatment of heart failure? –  prof. T. Hasin, Shaare Zedek, Israel (remote)
14:10 Acute respiratory failure in AHF? – prof. J. Masip, Barcelona, Spain
14:30 Pulmonary Hypertension Guidelines, What About Acute Cardiac Care – prof. A. Magdy, Cairo, Egypt
14:50 How to treat Atrial Fibrillation as a precipitating factor for worsening acute heart failure –  prof. G. Fuernau, Germany
15:10 Pulmonary hypertension caused by heart disease – prof. T. Hasin, Israel (remote)
15:30 Management of patients with pulmonary embolism – state of the art and new insights –  prof. I. Ahrens, Germany (remote)
15:50 Coffee Break
  Session No 3. Intensive Cardiac Care (GREAT HALL) Chairmen: prof. J. Alpert, prof. G. Baksyte, prof. A. Erglis, R. Serpytis, PhD, prof. O. Dobiliene                                                                                                                                      
16:10 Experience of managing Intensive Care Units in Poland, an ACVC Board member view – prof. A. Tycińska, Byalistok, Poland (remote)
16:30 Use of AI in the future of cardiac imaging and cardiology –  prof. J. Bax, Leiden, Netherlands
16:50 What I have learned from more than 50 years of clinical medicine – prof. J. Alpert, Tucson, USA
17:10 Myocardial Transcriptomics of Sudden Death: Searching for Predictive Biomarkers – prof. Q. Chen, Tucson, USA
17:30 PCI in acute coronary syndrome: beyond stenting – prof. A. Erglis, Riga, Latvia
17:50 Non-invasive, scalable intracardiac pressure monitoring – prof. K. Bourdette, Stockholm, Sweden (remote)
18:10 Non-STEMI, Action is needed, Case Based – prof. A. Magdy, Cairo, Egypt
18:30-19:00 Innovations in safer lung ventilation – prof. S. Vosylius, Vilnius, Lithuania.
Friday, 10:10 – 12:30 Nursing session (in Lithuanian language) (HALL 211) Chairmen: prof. N. Istomina, N. Jerdiakova
10:10 Patient health training in the Emergency Department – R. Šmyt, MF VU;  O. Misiūnienė, VU MF
10:30 Defibrillators and how to use them – O. Misiūnienė,  VU  MF lektorė,
10:50 Coffee Break
11:10 Differential diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction – N. Jerdiakova, VU, Lithuania
11:40 Clinical presentation of acute myocardial infarction. Threatening, acute situations and the role of nurses – N. Jerdiakova, VU
12:10 Prevalence and prevention of violence in healthcare settings – prof. N. Istomina, VU, Lithuania
  Friday, May 26th, 2023
10:50 Resuscitation school. Moderators:  A. Briedis, MD (Lithuania) Hall 212
12:50 Ultrasound in Emergency Medicine.  Moderators:  R. Jukneviciene, MD, PhD, B. Rasciute, MD, L. Zajanckovskyte, MD. Hall 212
17:50 – 19:00 Closing remarks
  Saturday, May 27th, 2023
9:00 – 9:45 Academic Espresso with faculty: Speed Mentoring with the Professors for young doctors (Q&A) (HALL 212)
  Session No 4: Research and Innovations (GREAT HALL) Chairmen: prof. K. Thygesen, prof. F. Crea, A. Zorinas, MD, PhD,    prof. S. Desch, A. Baranauskas, MD, PhD
10:00 The effect of demographics on healthcare in USA, Europe and Lithuania –  prof. J. Alpert, Tucson, USA
10:20 Last year’s top studies in Cardiology –  prof. S. Desch, Leipzig, Germany
10:40 Contrast-mix Excimer laser atherectomy (ELCA) for complex, calcified lesions  –  prof. P. Wacinski, Warsaw, Poland
11:00 How to publish in the EHJ –  prof. F. Crea, Rome, Italy
11:20 Potential risks of noncardiac perioperative myocardial infarction/injury – prof. K. Thygesen, Aarhus, Denmark
11:40 INOCA and MINOCA –  prof. F. Crea, Rome, Italy
12:00 MINOCA: is it a cause or a consequence – R. Serpytis, PhD, Vilnius, Lithuania
12:20 Managing of mixed cardiogenic and septic shock states –  prof. F. Corradi, Pisa, Italy
12:40 Airway management and ventilation in cardiogenic shock –   prof. C. Alviar, New York, USA
13:00-13:50 Lunch
  Session No 5: Interventions in Cardiology  (GREAT HALL) Chairmen: prof. A. Witkowski, prof. E. Girdauskas, prof. G. Fuernau, prof. G. Davidavicius, assoc. prof. D. Jarasuniene
13:50 Proposal of Algoryhm of myocardial revascularization –  prof. N. Ravi, Cleveland, USA (remote)
14:10 Transcatheter valvular intervention (TAVI, mitral tricuspid) –  prof. A. Witkowski, Warsaw, Poland
14:20 TEVAR procedure – when and how – G. Bieliauskas, MD, Copenhagen, Denmark
14:40 Mitral Valve Insufficiency after Acute Coronary Syndromes –  prof. E. Girdauskas, Augsburg, Germany
15:00 Percutaneous Mitral Valve Therapies: The Past and the Future –  A. Drasutiene, MD, PhD, Vilnius, Lithuania
15:20 Robotic angiography –  prof. P. Wacinski, Poland
15:40 A novel solution for treating Right Heart Failure. The Tricvalve therapy – A. Sanchez Recalde, Spain
16:00 Cardiac complications following noncardiac surgery – prof. Ch.  Mueller, Basel, Switzerland
16:20 Mechanical devices during cardiogenic shock – prof. N. Ravi, Cleveland, USA  (remote)
16:40 Hemadsorption therapy in emergency medicine – prof.  D. Wendt, Essen, Germany  (remote)
17:00 Diagnosis of heart faillure with preserved ejection fraction – prof. Ch.  Mueller, Basel, Switzerland
  Saturday, May 27th, 2023
8:30 -9:00 General assembly of Lithuanian Intensive Cardiac Care and Emergency Medicine Association (HALL 211) Chairmen: D. Kaciurin, prof. R. Samalavicius
09:10 – 12:30 Session No 6: From Intensive Therapy to Prevention (in Lithuanian language) (HALL 211) (Sesija Lietuvių k.) Chairmen: prof. S. Glaveckaite, assoc. prof. D. Karčiauskaite, prof. G. Marinskis
9:10 Why is the mortality rate from cardiovascular diseases in Lithuania still the highest in Europe? The importance of LDL-Ch control in reducing cardiovascular mortality in Lithuania – prof. J. Celutkiene, VU, Vilnius, Lithuania.  Novartis satellite
9:30 Coronary atherosclerosis: from diagnostic progression to plaque regression  –  Prof. S. Glaveckaite, VU, Vilnius, Lithuania  Novartis satellite
9:50 Intravenous beta-blockers. What’s new? –  Prof. P. Serpytis, VU, Vilnius, Lithuania
10:10 Effective medical therapy for patients with stable angina – Assoc. Prof. J. Badarienė, Vilnius, Lithuania.
10:30 Troponin testing at the point of patient care – Assoc. Prof. D. Karciauskaite, VU, Vilnius, Lithuania
10:50 Diagnosis of myocarditis by magnetic resonance imaging – Prof. N. Valevičienė, K. Gaizauskiene, MD, VU, Vilnius, Lithuania
11:10 Stress and cardiovascular diseases – Assoc. Prof. J. Barysiene, VU, Vilnius, Lithuania
11:30 New horizons of Emergency Medicine:directions to look forward – B. Rasciute, MD, L. Zajanckovskyte, MD, VU, Vilnius, Lithuania
11:50 News from the European Congress of Trauma and Urgent Surgery, 7-9 May 2023 in Ljubljana – M. Vitkauskiene, MD, VU, Vilnius, Lithuania
12:10 Endocrinology in the Emergency Department: not just diabetes – I. Vegelyte, MD, VU, Vilnius, Lithuania (remote)
12:30 Calrecia is the Problem Solver in Ci-Ca® therapy – V. Kazlauskas, MD, R. Laugalys, MD, Vilnius City Clinical Hospital, Vilnius, Lithuania
17:00 Closing remarks: prof. P. Serpytis, prof. J. Alpert
Saturday, 13:50 Hands-On session: Ultrasound session for evaluation for perfusion and congestion in cardiogenic shock – prof. F. Corradi, Italy (HALL 212)
Friday, 12:30 Poster session Chairmen: prof. G. Fuernau, prof. P. Serpytis, assoc. prof. D. Jarasuniene

Akimirkos iš renginio

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