Lithuanian Academy of Sciences, Gedimino Ave. 3, 01103 Vilnius

Friday, September, 10th, 2021

9:00 Registration
10:00 Opening Ceremony. President of the Meeting: prof. P. Serpytis, Co-chairs: prof. J. Alpert (USA), prof. H. Thiele (Germany), prof. A. Khoury (France) Prof. R. Petrauskas, Rector of Vilnius University, prof. J. Banys, President of Lithuanian Academy of Sciences
10:20 „Keynote Lecture: “20 things you need to know about cardiology to avoid making mistakes” – prof. J. Alpert, USA „

„Session No 1: Acute Coronary syndromes and Intensive Cardiac Care

Chairmen: J. Alpert, H. Thiele, P. Serpytis, G. Davidavicius, A. Valaika „

10:40 “COVID-19 and cardiovascular mortality at home: Lithuanian perspective” – prof. G. Davidavicius, Lithuania
11:10 “Influenza, COVID-19 and cardiovascular disease: Latvian perspective” – prof. A. Erglis, Latvia
11:40 Coffee Break
12:00 “Biomarkers in Cardiogenic Shock – clinical routine and scientific evaluation” – prof. G. Fuernau, Germany
12:20 “Troponin T and I in Clinical practice” – R. Serpytis, MD, Lithuania
12:40 “Acute and postacute care of a complicated myocardial infarction. A Case report” – V. Janusauskas, MD, PhD, Lithuania
13:00 Satellite symposium. Direct oral anticoagulants
13:20 Lunch

Session No 2: Heart Faillure.

Chairmen: J. Celutkiene, K. Rucinskas; R. Gil, R. Samalavičius

14:00 “ECMO – Current evidence. Does it save life?” – prof. H. Thiele, Germany
14:20 “ECMO use in patients with Covid-19 disease in Lithuania” – A. Jankuviene, MD, Lithuania
14:40 “Myocardial Gene Expression Patterns in End-Stage Human Heart Failure” – prof. Q. Chen, USA
15:00 „“Is there any role for digoxin in the 21st century” – prof. J. Alpert, USA „
15:20 “Reduction in the recommendation for Morphine treatment for pulmonary edema” – prof. T. Hasin, Israel
15:40 “Venting – Do we have the data to apply venting?” – prof. H. Thiele, Germany
16:00 „COVID-19 and the delivery of cardiac care” – prof. R. Gil, Poland
16:20 Coffee Break


Chairmen: N. Valeviciene, S. Glaveckaite

16:40 Opening lecture: „Extracardiac finding in CMR, contrast enhancement and beyond” – prof. N. Valeviciene, Lithuania
17:00 „Myocardial fibrosis in aortic stenosis. Emerging results of FIB-AS study” – G. Balciunaite, MD, Lithuania
17:20 „The value of imaging biomarkers in ischemic origin sudden cardiac death” – assoc. prof. T. Lapinskas, Lithuania
17:40 „MINOCA overview” – R. Serpytis, MD, Lithuania
18:00 „Cardiac damage occurring after mRNA COVID-19 immunization: a centre-based experience”- P. Bucius, MD, Lithuania
18:20 „Cardiac damage occurring after mRNA COVID-19 immunization: a centre-based experience” – Z. Krastina, MD, L. Zvaigzne, MD, Latvia
18:40 Discussion
19:40 Closing remarks

Nurses Session/Slaugytojų sesija: Latest Nursing Trends Update/Slaugos mokslo aktualijos, sesija lietuvių k.

Chairmen: N. Fatkulina, R. Stundziene

11:10 “The work of Advanced Practice Nurse at Emergency Medicine Department: The International Experience“ /Išplėstinės praktikos slaugytojo darbas Skubiosios medicinos pagalbos srityje: tarptautinė patirtis – prof.  Natalja Fatkulina, Lithuania
11:40 Coffee Break
12:00 “Evaluation of opinions on patient safety culture of workers in reanimation and intensive care departments“ /Dirbančių reanimacijos ir intensyviosios terapijos skyriuose nuomonės apie pacientų saugos kultūrą įvertinimas – Elena Petrauskaitė, Dr. Aldona Mikaliūkštienė, Lithuania”
12:30 “The most common factors motivating the work of anesthesia and intensive care nurses“/   Dažniausi anestezijos ir intensyviosios terapijos slaugytojus darbui motyvuojantys veiksniai – Ilona Tkačenko, Dr. Aldona Mikaliūkštienė, Lithuania”
13:00 “Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Depression in Breast Cancer Patients“/ Krūties vėžiu sergančių pacienčių potrauminio streso sutrikimas ir depresija – Dr. Jurgita Kazlauskienė, Dr. Giedrė Bulotienė, Lithuania
13:30 Lunch
14:00 “Prevalence and prevention of signs of work-related hand contact dermatitis in anesthesia and intensive care nurses“/Anestezijos ir intensyvios terapijos slaugytojų su darbu susijusio plaštakų kontaktinio dermatito požymių paplitimas ir prevencija –  Anastasija Grinčenko, Lithuania
14:30 “End-of-Life care in cardiovascular disease: barriers providing early palliative care“/Širdies ligomis sergančių pacientų priežiūra gyvenimo pabaigoje: iššūkiai teikiant paliatyviąją pagalbą – Marius Čiurlionis, Lithuania
15:00 Discussion

Saturday, September, 11th, 2021

„Session No 4: What is new in cardiology and emergency medicine 2021?

Chairmen: A. Khoury, P. Serpytis, M. Mamedov, A. Pileckij, Ž. Petrulionienė”

9:00 „The 2021 European Resuscitation Council Guidelines. What is new?“ – prof. A. Khoury, France
9:30 „Insights into Interventional cardiology and intensive cardiac care from ESC 2021“ – A. Pileckij, MD, Lithuania
9:50 “What is new in cardiac prevention from the ESC Congress 2021?” – prof. M. N. Mamedov, Russia
10:20 „New era in lipid lowering and CVD prevention” – prof. Z. Petrulioniene, Lithuania
10:40 “The Evolution of Emergency Medicine in Europe” – prof. A. Khoury, France
11:00 “Haemostatic toolbox in surgery and intensive care“- prof. C. E. Dempfle, Germany
11:20 “Electrical Storm treatment” – G. Rackauskas, MD, PhD, Lithuania
11:40 “What do intensivists want in 2021. Or how to „sell” the patient?” – assoc. prof. I. Jovaisiene, Lithuania
12:00 ”Role of ECMO  in cardiopulmonary resuscitation“ – L. Puodziukaite, MD, Lithuania
12:20 Coffee Break

„Session No 5: Issues in Emergency and Cardiac Care

Chairmen: R. Badaras, I. Jovaišienė, P. Uksas”

12:40 “Emergency Care in Polytrauma” – P. Uksas,MD, Lithuania
13:00 “Traumatic cardiac arrest” – A. Briedis, MD, Lithuania
13:20 “ECG analysis: where we make mistakes in the Emergency Department?” – R. Jukneviciene, MD, Lithuania
13:40 “Ultrasound in Emergency Medicine” – S. Maciulevicius, MD, Lithuania
14:00 “Difficult intubation. How to solve the problem?” – K. Urbonas, MD, Lithuania
14:20 “Types of eye trauma. Recognizing and  first aid treatment for eye injuries” – J. Skruodyte, MD, Lithuania
14:40 “Emergency care management for children. What problems do we meet?” – assoc. prof. V. Zilinskaite, Lithuania
15:00 “Acute Poisoning. What is important?” – assoc. prof. R. Badaras, Lithuania
15:20 ”Hypertensive emergency: How to manage in 2021?“ – V. Juknevicius, MD, Lithuania
15:40 „Febrile neutropenia. Septic crisis” – I. Vėgelytė, MD, Lithuania
16:00 Discussion
17:00 Closing remarks, prof. P. Serpytis, prof. J. Alpert, prof. A. Khoury

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