Konferencija 7th International Meeting on Acute Cardiac Care and Emergency Medicine in Vilnius 2020 rugsėjo 11-12 d. nukeliama į 2021 m.

Kitą planuojamą konferencijos datą skelbsime www.cardem.lt tinklalapyje.

Vilnius University
Friday, September, 10th
08:00 Registration
09:00 Opening Ceremony P. Serpytis,  H. Thiele, J. Alpert, A. Khoury, D. Vaitkaitis
09:30 Keynote Lecture:  – ,,Green Plan for Europe“ Commissar of Europe Virginijus Sinkevičius
Theatre Hall Hall  Aula
Session No 1:  Acute Coronary Syndromes
Chairmen: H. Thiele (Germany); Joseph Alpert (USA), Pranas Serpytis (Lithuania);
Session No 2: Emergency Medicine – from diagnosis to treatment
Chairmen: Y. Hasin (Israel), K. Stasaitis (Lithuania), D. Vaitkaitis (Lithuania)
10:00 “What’s new  treatment  in acute coronary syndrome” –
H. Thiele (Germany)
“Role of early ECG in the triage of chest pain ”   Y. Hasin (Israel)
10:20 “Definition  of Myocardial Infarction”, K. Thygesen (Denmark) “Chest pain Unit”  H. Mudra  (Germany)
10:40 – 11:00 Coffee Break
11:00 “What is new in the updated STEMI guidelines” –   U. Zeymer (Germany) “High flow Nasal Oxygenation: Is it possible in Emergency Department?” – A. Khoury (France)
11:20 “Role of imaging in STEMI in 2020” – A. Neskovic (Serbia) “Oxygen therapy in AHF” – J. Masip (Spain)
11:40 “Should we no longer routinely give beta blockers to patients with acute coronary syndromes?” –
J. Alpert (USA)
“High sensitivity Troponin in Emergency Department” – R. Juknevičienė (Lithuania)
12:00 “Optimal antithrombotic treatment in the elderly” – S. Savonitto (Italy) “High frequency ultrasound, is it relevant to go very fast” – P. Sogaard (Denmark)
12:20 “ACS: Are delays so important” – A. Khoury (France) “Prehospital Stroke treatment” – R. Jalali (Poland)
12:40 “FoCUS in Cardiac Arrest” – A. Neskovic (Serbia) Discussions
13:00 – 14:10 Lunch
Session No 3: Sudden Death and Resuscitation
Chairmen: G. Fuernau (Germany), R. Jalali (Poland), G. Baksyte (Lithuania)
Session No 4: Nursing session
Chairmen: T. Quinn (UK), N. Fatkulina (Lithuania)
14:10 “Cardiac arrest. Importance of low flow: Save the brain” – A. Khoury (France) “Nurse Research Competence in Leadership” – N. Fatkulina (Lithuania)
14:30 “Out of hospital resuscitation – when go to cath lab with the patient” – G. Fuernau (Germany) “Role of nurses during coronary interventions” – A. Grave (Latvia)
14:50 “Ventilation in Cardiac arrest: the future is now” – A. Khoury (France) “Operating Room Nurse in the Interventional Cardiology and Radiology” – N. Jerdiakova (Lithuania)
15:10 “In-hospital Resuscitation” – R. Jalali (Poland)
15:30 “ECMO assisted CPR” – R. Samalavicius (Lithuania)
15:50 – 16:10 Coffee Break
Session No 5: Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapy
Chairmen: D. Zahger (Israel),  M. Tubaro (Italy), Z. Petrulioniene (Lithuania)
Session No 6:  Acute heart failure and Cardiogenic Shock
Chairmen: C. Vrints (Belgium), S. Price (UK), G. Kalinauskas (Lithuania)
16:10 „PCSK9 inhibitors: are we going to conquer atherosclerosis?” – D. Zahger (Israel) “Furosemide in Acute HF” – C. Vrints (Belgium)
16:25 “Should digitalis preparations no longer be prescribed?” – J. Alpert (USA). “Invasive vs Noninvasive ventilation in AHF” – J. Masip (Spain)
16:40 “Dual vs. triple therapy in secondary prevention in patients with atrial fibrillation receiving PCI” – M. Tubaro (Italy) “Evaluation for advanced HF therapies” – T. Hasin (Israel)
16:55 „Update on the use of drugs and pre-conditioning for infarct size reduction and lessening of ischemic damage post reperfusion” – Q. Chen (USA) “What’s new in cardiogenic shock” – G. Fuernau (Germany)
17:10 “DOACs in Intensive cardiac care” – M. Lettino (Italy) “Mechanical support for AHF” – T. Hasin (Israel)
17:25 “Lipid management: Beyond statins” – D. Fintel (USA) “Mechanical assist devices in cardiogenic shock” –
G. Fuernau (Germany)
17:40 Discussions “Cardiogenic shock- State-of-the-Art in 2018” – H. Thiele (Germany)
18:00 – 19:00 Discussions Discussions
20:00 Gala Dinner
Saturday, September, 11th
Session No 7: Interventional treatment
Charimen: G. Schuler (Germany), I. Kumsars (Latvia), A. Aidietis (Lithuania), G. Davidavičius (Lithuania)
Session No 8: Guidelines and General Care
Chairmen: M. Lettino (Italy), A. Erglis (Latvia), A. Laucevicius (Lithuania)
09:00 “PCI vs. CABG for Left Main treatment. Lessons from NOBLE study” – I. Kumsars (Latvia) „Team Science: Future of Medicine, Cardiology as an Example” – A. Erglis (Latvia)
09:20 “Interventional Stroke treatment” – M. Kurminas (Lithuania) “Comorbidities in acute cardiology” – M. Mamedov (Russia)
09:40 “TAVI  or surgery in asymptomatic aortic stenosis – Clinically indicated?” – H. Thiele (Germany) “ACCA consensus documents on ICCU organization”
M. Lettino (Italy)
10:00 “TAVI for intermediate and low risk patients” –
S. Desch (Germany)
„New tools to reduce  CV events in diabetic patients” D. Zahger (Israel)
10:20 “Renal denervation in hypertension treatment” – A. Berukstis (Lithuania) “The elderly in acute cardiac care” –S. Price (UK)
10:40 “TAVI one center experience” –  G. Bieliauskas (Denmark) “Atrial fibrillation management” – D. Fintel (USA)
11:00 “Pericardiocentesis in the cath lab” –                                 S. Desch (Germany) “Cardioncology” – M. Mamedov (Russia)
11:20 Panel Discussions: H. Thiele (Germany), G. Bieliauskas (Denmark), S. Desch (Germany), R. Gil (Poland), A. Witkovski (Poland), U. Zeymer (Germany) Panel Discussions:     S. Price (UK), H. Bueno (Spain), M. Tubaro (Italy), J. Stepinska  (Poland), L. Koltowski (Poland)                                            “Echo in acute heart failure” – S. Price (UK).
11:40 – 12:00 Coffee Break
Session No 9: Imaging techniques and bioarkers
Chairmen: P. Sogaard (Denmark), S. Glaveckaite (Lithuania), N. Valeviciene (Lithuania)
Session No 10: New developements in Cardiology
Chairmen: F. Crea (Italy), D. Fintel (USA), Z. Petrulioniene (Lithuania)
12:00 “Simple pattern identification” -P. Sogaard (Denmark) “Investigation of patients with MINOCA” – F. Crea (Italy)
12:20 “Assessment of mechanical dyssynchrony using a new three dimensional approach” – T. Zaremba,(Denmark) “Type 2 MI: definition and classification” – J. Alpert (USA)
12:40 “Current state of the art, 2D strain or TDI in clinical practice” – P. Sogaard (Denmark) “Coronary spasm” – R. Serpytis (Lithuania)
13:00 “High sensitivity troponins” –  D. Karciauskaite (Lithuania) “Cardiac shock wave therapy in patients with stable angina” – G. Burneikaite (Lithuania)
13:20 “Chest Pain and CCTA” – M. Mataciunas (Lithuania) “Use of coronary physiology in acute coronary syndromes” – G. Wijntjens (Netherlands)
13:40 “Myocardial perfusion imaging ” – D. Vajauskas (Lithuania) “The right heart in critical care” – S. Price (UK)
14:00 Discussions “New training approaches for Critical Care Cardiologists” – D. Fintel (USA)
14:20 Closing remarks, P. Serpytis, J. Alpert, H. Thiele, A. Khoury
September, 10th: 10:40 – 11:40  Poster Session 1
Moderators: J. Alpert (USA), P. Serpytis (Lithuania),  R. Kubilius (Lithuania), S. Desch (Germany)
September, 11th: 11:00 – 12:00  Poster Session 2
Moderators: T. Hasin (Israel), P. Serpytis (Lithuania), G. Kalinauskas (Lithuania), T. Jovaiša (Lithuania)
September, 10th: 14:10 – 20:00  Resuscitation School
Moderators: R. Serpytis (Lithuania), P. Uksas (Lithuania), A. Briedis (Lithuania)
September, 10th: 16:10 – 20:00   Renal replacement School
Moderator: T. Jovaiša (UK), V. Kazlauskas (Lithuania), V. Karmanovas (Lithuania); Discussion panel: S. Vosylius (Lithuania), A. Macas (Lithuania)
September, 10th: 9:00 – 11:00  Lung Ventilation School
Case report
Discussion panel: S. Vasylius (Lithuania), A. Macas (Lithuania), T. Jovaisa (UK)
September, 11th: 9:00 – 11:00  Trauma  School
Moderators:     A. Khoury,  R. Jalali(Poland),  D. Vaitkaitis (Lithuania)
September, 11th: 11:00 – 13:00  ECMO School
Moderator: I. Norkiene (Lithuania); Discussion panel: S. Price (UK),  H. Mudra (Germany),  M. Noc (Slovenia), R. Samalavicius (Lithuania)
September, 11th: 11:00 – 13:00   Ultrasound School.  (Fast protocols)
Moderators:   A. Neskovič (Serbia), R. Juknevičienė (Lithuania),  K. Stašaitis (Lithuania)
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